report of stocks and investments in a newspaper


By now it is almost cliche to say that crypto is difficult to understand. As a brand new type of technology it is normal that people will have a hard time wrapping their head around it.

The first step on your journey is to get a basic understanding of how this technology works & we are here to teach it to you. Think of it like somebody explaining the basics of a car to somebody who's only ever ridden horses. They will be able to drive that car much more safely and effectively if they understand how the accelerator & brake pedals work.

Crypto is about self-sovereignty, meaning that you & you alone are the one who should control your money. The mantra of crypto is "Not your keys, not your coins". This means that when we take responsibility to learn a little and manage our crypto properly, then our money is more unhackable & more 'ours' than at any point in history.

Bitcoin & Ethereum are only the beginning, there is a myriad of different cryptocurrencies that work in a myriad of different ways. It's very tough to separate the signal from the noise & know what qualities are really important & what is just marketing nonsense. If (& when) you take an interest in different projects, we can explain the nuances of each one to you.

pile of keys


Knowledge is one thing, but putting it into practical use is quite another. We are here to make sure you use the best tools (such as wallets, exchanges, reference websites, etc) & that you use them safely.  It's not difficult, or risky, when you know how.

We will 'hold your hand' through your first interactions with these crypto protocols via calls with screen sharing enabled. Click-by-click we are at your side.

Some things work very differently to traditional finances (such as setting your own fees for a payment) & need a bit of explanation to get your head around the first time.

We are here to ensure that you do not make any silly mistakes when interacting with crypto. Many people, who did not know what they were doing, have lost money this way. In 11 years of fervently experimenting with new & exotic crypto we have only lost money once, which was a insignificant amount on the collapsed FTX exchange.

When done right crypto is very safe and reliable, but there are lots of scams out there in the 'wild west of finance', so it pays to have an experienced guide, just as you may employ a local Sherpa to help you through mountainous terrain.

bitcoin, ethereum and dogecoin


You should never hand your money over to a crypto company for 'safekeeping', there is nothing safe about that & in fact it's 'asking for trouble'.

We are no exception. We never take custody of your money or invest on your behalf. We never give you instructions to invest in a particular cryptocurrency.

However, we can explain the crypto markets to you. We've lived through four cycles of euphoric excess & the subsequent crashes. We constantly have our fingers on the pulse of the crypto markets & have a good understaninding of what makes the whole thing 'tick'. We are happy to share our insights with you.

The universe of cryptocurrencies is simply massive these days. It started with just Bitcoin in 2009, but now over 8000 different cryptocurrencies are detailed on the industry's main reference websites. The plethora of claims of having created 'the next big thing' are enough to drown in & 95% of projects are bound to fail.

At Cannon Crypto we have a keenly developed nose for what will make the remaining 5% incredible, world-changing technologies. Additionally, we can teach you how to manage a responsible portfolio & how to keep proper records for your tax reporting.

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